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Rising waters | Rooted solutions

Collaboration and the exchange of innovative ideas

Landowners share best practices

Collaboration and the exchange of innovative ideas are essential in the quest for flood resilience.

Over the past few weeks, we have had numerous opportunities to share best practices with a diverse group of stakeholders, from practitioners to farmers and landowners.

National showcase

Recently, we showcased Ousewem products nationally to policy makers and practitioners. Our delivery team attended Flood and Coast 24 in Telford, where our delivery consultants, JBA, provided a lunch and learn session on the Ousewem tools driving Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). This session reached a wide audience of Natural Flood Management (NFM) practitioners and policy makers. We continue to work with the Environment Agency National NFM team to share the Ousewem NFM calculator tool and application findings, aiming to inform and improve the Environment Agency National NFM calculator tool.

Collaborative knowledge share

Project teams review stone baffles on Dartmoor


Ousewem’s project lead, Victoria Murray, and our delivery team travelled to Devon to engage in a collaborative knowledge share with the Devon Resilience Innovation Project (DRIp) and Cumbria Innovative Flood Resilience (CiFR). These initiatives, much like Ousewem, aim to mitigate flood risks by employing NFM measures within the river catchment and exploring new technologies for flood resilience.

During the week-long visit, the Ousewem project team gained valuable insights into the strategies and approaches utilised by DRIp. They participated in field demonstrations, workshops, and strategic planning sessions, all of which highlighted the innovative methods being implemented to enhance flood resilience in Devon.

Local ideas exchange

More locally, eager to foster collaboration and exchange innovative ideas on flood resilience, Ms. Murray was a proud guest speaker at the West Yorkshire Flood Innovation Programme (WYFLIP)’s recent Annual General Meeting (AGM). Addressing a diverse audience of policymakers, engineers, and community leaders, Ms. Murray showcased Ousewem's innovative approaches and extended an invitation to share tools and ideas continuously for ongoing improvement. Additionally, the Ousewem project team have supported the Swaledale and Wensleydale Environment Farmers (SWEF) group by providing hydrology data and Ousewem tools for the catchment, aiding their water environment strategy.

Ousewem’s project lead, Victoria Murray, was a proud guest speaker at the West Yorkshire Flood Innovation Programme (WYFLIP)’s recent Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Ousewem’s project lead, Victoria Murray, was a proud guest speaker at the West Yorkshire Flood Innovation Programme (WYFLIP)’s recent Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Reaching out to farmers and landowners, Ms. Murray also recently appeared on Farming Outlook, a radio show sponsored by Grow Yorkshire and North Yorkshire Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. In her interview, Ms. Murray emphasised the importance of reducing flood risks in rural areas through collaborative relationships with farmers and landowners. She discussed the benefits of NFM and how Ousewem is leading the way in promoting innovation in flood resilience and adaptation to changing climatic conditions.

In closing, Ousewem extends our heartfelt gratitude to our colleagues in Devon, Cumbria, WYFLIP, and Farming Outlook for their warm welcome, insightful discussions, and collaborative spirit. It is through such collective efforts that meaningful progress in flood resilience can be achieved, ensuring the safety and security of communities in the face of environmental challenges. Watch this space as our best practice sharing continues.

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Published: 15th June 2024