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Rising waters | Rooted solutions

Investors and policy makers

Investors and policy makers

Ousewem is committed to building partnerships and community capacity. Together, we'll explore sustainable financing models, ensuring a legacy of nature-based solutions (NbS) and natural flood management (NFM) investment opportunities. Through our project learning, we will actively shape flood and agrienvironment funding policies, leading to more informed decision-making.

Investing in NbS and NFM measures

You should invest in NbS and NFM measures because:

  • investment creates community resilience - NbS and NFM measures directly reduce flood-related damage and disruptions in vulnerable North Yorkshire communities. We aim to safeguard vital services and enhance the region’s resilience
  • environmental benefits - beyond improving flood resilience, our efforts benefit the environment, supporting North Yorkshire’s thriving tourist industry. Nature is our ally, and we’re harnessing its potential
  • innovative modelling - innovative modelling and design guides local land management decisions, optimising benefits and informing national practices for the future
  • policy advancements - through our project learning, we’re actively shaping flood and agri-environmental funding policies, leading to more informed decision-making
  • creating a legacy - ultimately, Ousewem will deliver an NFM strategy and legacy of NbS tools, partnerships, projects and investment opportunities collectively able to deliver improved flood resilience to communities throughout North Yorkshire, York and beyond

Looking at green investment opportunities including Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes?

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