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Rising waters | Rooted solutions

Communities and residents

Communities and residents

Our mission is to safeguard all our communities, from the tranquil corners of North Yorkshire to the bustling streets of York.

We want everyone to understand how water connects us all, including the link between land use and flood risk.

Benefits to downstream communities from our holistic approach include:

  • community resilience - nature-based solutions (NbS) resilience and natural flood measures (NFM) directly reduce flood-related damage and disruptions in vulnerable North Yorkshire communities. We aim to safeguard vital services and enhance the region’s resilience
  • environmental benefits - beyond improving flood resilience, our efforts benefit the environment, supporting North Yorkshire’s thriving tourist industry. Nature is our ally, and we’re harnessing its potential
  • a lasting legacy - ultimately, Ousewem will deliver an NFM strategy and legacy of NbS tools, partnerships, projects and investment opportunities collectively able to deliver improved flood resilience to communities throughout North Yorkshire, York and beyond

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